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Now that there are so many podcasts, we thought it might be easier for you to find topic specific episodes by using the linked list below. New episodes are added as they are released.


Core Values

This week Kim and Fulyana share their reactions to a talk by Simon Sinek entitled "If You Don't Understand People, ...
This week Kim and Fulyana review their personal take aways from the varied special guests they have talked to up ...
Why do some organisations foster a culture where information and knowledge is not shared? How does a newcomer get information ...
Knowledge Transfer? Knowledge Management? Aren't they the same thing really? This week Kim and Fulyana talk specifically about Knowledge Transfer ...
Is knowledge management important? What is it really and why do executives need to think about it? This week Kim ...

Time Management

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Personal Development

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Management and Leadership

All of us, at some time in our careers, have felt the need to ask for an increase in remuneration ...
In the final part of our discussion with elite triathletes Josh and Krystle Hockley, we explore how they decide when ...
The terms mentor and coach get bandied around a lot these days. Now we also have the term "accountability partner" ...
In this podcast, Kim and Fulyana answer some questions about the difference, from their experience, of managing work groups of ...
Its both exciting and nerve wracking to be promoted from within a team to a position where you manage and ...


Case Studies

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Guest Executives

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