Maura Sweeney

Maura Sweeney

Maura spoke with us in June 2019 from Florida, USA.

Maura is an author, international speaker and frequent media guest on the topic of Leadership. In her past life, she had time in executive recruiting to Fortune 500 clients and a decade in leadership at two national corporations, earning the Chairman’s Award as the #1 branch manager of the year at age 27.

By her own admission, it’s been a long time since, but her life is one of natural mentoring.  Maura loves to speak about the unseen side of leadership: dignity, integrity and advocacy.

You can listen to Part 1 of our conversation by clicking here.

You can listen to Part 2 of our conversation by clicking here.

You can find out more about Maura from her website by clicking here.

You can reach Maura directly through her Speaker Profile by clicking here

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