Taylor Proctor

Taylor Proctor

Taylor spoke with us in July 2019 from Utah, USA

Taylor is a director in a marketing organization and previous to working in this role, she was in a highly competitive marketing agency. In the agency setting, she saw everyone as a challenger/competitor, and it  was making her work life miserable. The wins were amazing but short-lived and the losses coloured her view of the company and culture.

Changing companies, provided an opportunity to explore how Taylor could achieve at a high level while taking a different attitude and approach to foster a better personal and company culture. She embraced a direction of expressing vulnerability and it worked. Taylor’s performance soared, she was selected to lead new teams for huge clients in new company capabilities, as well as leading employee resource committees for women and an initiative to foster more happiness and gratitude in the workplace. Where Taylor had thought she needed to be perfect to be competitive, she discovered that embracing imperfection was what truly transformed her career.

Part 1 is available by clicking here

Part 2 is available by clicking here

Part 3 is available by clicking here

You can connect with Taylor through her website Happiness Abound

Taylor also now has a Business Book Club. Click here for more details

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