Ted Adams

Ted Adams

Ted spoke with us from Michigan (USA) in February 2023

For the past two decades Ted has been building business coaching companies and direct response marketing companies. His companies have been responsible for billions of dollars in revenue at a time. He has led over 1200 companies to produce great results and in the process become one of Oregon’s Top 100 Employers. Through this process, he has become an expert at unpacking the unique purpose inside the heart of a CEO and their organization and how to translate that DNA to scalable value that is marketable.

He now dedicates all his professional energy, passion, and knowledge to help executives clarify their unique purpose, align it to the value they deliver, their sales and marketing message. His organization Threo helps position companies to multiply their message through generosity which creates multidimensional profit the business can be proud of.

In the next 5 years, we will be needing more leaders, mentors, and executives that realize how gratitude is one of the keys that will helps us all to move forward, connect and eliminate any trait of self-sabotage in ourselves.

You can listen to Part 1 of our conversation by clicking here.

You can listen to Part 2 of our conversation by clicking here.

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